Better CLI Solution
Concatenate and print files
- bat: A cat(1) clone with wings.
- hexyl: A command-line hex viewer
Navigate directories
- autojump: A cd command that learns - easily navigate directories from the command line
- z: z - jump around
- zoxide: A smarter cd command. Supports all major shells.
- broot: A new way to see and navigate directory trees :
Copy files
Directory Listing
- nat: ls alternative with useful info and a splash of color.
- exa: A modern replacement for ls.
File pattern searcher
- ripgrep: ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern while respecting your gitignore
- jq:
- fx: Terminal JSON viewer & processor
- yq: yq is a portable command-line YAML, JSON, XML, CSV, TOML and properties processor
Process viewer
- htop: htop - an interactive process viewer
- bpytop: Linux/OSX/FreeBSD resource monitor
- btop: A monitor of resources
- glances: Glances an Eye on your system. A top/htop alternative for GNU/Linux, BSD, Mac OS and Windows operating systems.
- rtop: rtop is an interactive, remote system monitoring tool based on SSH
Disk Usage Analyze
- ncdu: NCurses Disk Usage
- duf: Disk Usage/Free Utility - a better ‘df’ alternative
CLI manual pages
- tldr: 📚 Collaborative cheatsheets for console commands
Network Datagram
- pingtop: Ping multiple servers and show results in a top-like terminal UI.
- gping: Ping, but with a graph
- nali: An offline tool for querying IP geographic information and CDN provider. 一个查询IP地理信息和CDN服务提供商的离线终端工具.
Shell history
- mcfly: Fly through your shell history. Great Scott!
DNS lookup utility
- doggo: 🐶 Command-line DNS Client for Humans. Written in Golang
- q: A tiny command line DNS client with support for UDP, TCP, DoT, DoH, DoQ and ODoH.
- fzf: :cherry_blossom: A command-line fuzzy finder
- fd: A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to ‘find’
HTTP Client
- httpie:
- bat: Go implement CLI, cURL-like tool for humans
- websocat: Command-line client for WebSockets, like netcat (or curl) for ws:// with advanced socat-like functions
watch command
- viddy: 👀 A modern watch command. Time machine and pager etc.
Docker inspect/ps/top/system
- dive: A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image
- ctop: Top-like interface for container metrics
- lazydocker: The lazier way to manage everything docker
- doku: 💽 Doku - Docker disk usage dashboard
- tig: Text-mode interface for git
- delta: A syntax-highlighting pager for git, diff, grep, and blame output
Remote login client
- mosh: Mobile Shell
- assh: :computer: make your ssh client smarter
- teetail: teetail - tee, but only the tail goes in the file
Network downloader
- axel: Lightweight CLI download accelerator
- aria2: aria2 is a lightweight multi-protocol & multi-source, cross platform download utility operated in command-line. It supports HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent and Metalink.
- youtube-dl: Command-line program to download videos from and other video sites
- lux: 👾 Fast and simple video download library and CLI tool written in Go
Word, line, character, byte and code count
- cloc: cloc counts blank lines, comment lines, and physical lines of source code in many programming languages.
Screen manager
Display the system message
- neofetch: 🖼️ A command-line system information tool written in bash 3.2+
- macchina: A system information frontend with an emphasis on performance.
- pfetch: 🐧 A pretty system information tool written in POSIX sh.
- freshfetch: A fresh take on neofetch
- screenFetch: Fetches system/theme information in terminal for Linux desktop screenshots.
Socket statistics
- neoss: :heavy_check_mark: User-friendly and detailed socket statistics with a Terminal UI.
- mtr: Official repository for mtr, a network diagnostic tool
- nexttrace:
- Smap: a drop-in replacement for Nmap powered by
Copy text to your system clipboard
- shcopy: 📋 Copy text to your system clipboard locally and remotely using ANSI OSC52 sequence
Package version manager
- asdf: Extendable version manager with support for Ruby, Node.js, Elixir, Erlang & more