module Halite::Chainable

Direct including types

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def accept(value : String) : Halite::Client #

Accept the given MIME type


def auth(value : String) : Halite::Client #

Make a request with the given Authorization header

Halite.auth("private-token", "6abaef100b77808ceb7fe26a3bcff1d0")

def basic_auth(user : String, pass : String) : Halite::Client #

Make a request with the given Basic authorization header

Halite.basic_auth("icyleaf", "p@ssw0rd")

See Also:

def cookies(cookies : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple) : Halite::Client #

Make a request with the given cookies

Halite.cookies({"private-token", "6abaef100b77808ceb7fe26a3bcff1d0"})
# Or
Halite.cookies({private-token: "6abaef100b77808ceb7fe26a3bcff1d0"})

def cookies(cookies : HTTP::Cookies) : Halite::Client #

Make a request with the given cookies

cookies = HTTP::Cookies.from_client_headers(headers)

def cookies(**kargs) : Halite::Client #

Make a request with the given cookies

Halite.cookies(name: "icyleaf", "gender": "male")

def delete(uri : String, *, headers : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, params : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, form : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, json : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, raw : String? = nil, tls : OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Client? = nil) : Halite::Response #

Delete a resource

Request with form data

Halite.delete("", form: {
  first_name: "foo",
  last_name:  "bar"

Request with json data

Halite.delete("", json: {
  first_name: "foo",
  last_name:  "bar"

Request with raw string

Halite.delete("", raw: "name=Peter+Lee&address=%23123+Happy+Ave&Language=C%2B%2B")

def delete(uri : String, *, headers : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, params : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, form : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, json : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, raw : String? = nil, tls : OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Client? = nil, &block : Halite::Response -> ) #

Delete a streaming resource

Halite.delete("") do |response|
  puts response.status_code
  while line = response.body_io.gets
    puts line

def endpoint(endpoint : String | URI) : Halite::Client #

Adds a endpoint to the request.


def follow(hops : Int32, strict = Halite::Options::Follow::STRICT) : Halite::Client #

Returns Options self with given max hops of redirect times.

# Max hops 3 times

# Always redirect with any request methods
Halite.follow(4, strict: false)

def follow(strict = Halite::Options::Follow::STRICT) : Halite::Client #

Returns Options self with automatically following redirects.

# Automatically following redirects.

# Always redirect with any request methods
Halite.follow(strict: false)

def get(uri : String, *, headers : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, params : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, raw : String? = nil, tls : OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Client? = nil) : Halite::Response #

Get a resource

Halite.get("", params: {
  first_name: "foo",
  last_name:  "bar"

def get(uri : String, *, headers : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, params : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, raw : String? = nil, tls : OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Client? = nil, &block : Halite::Response -> ) #

Get a streaming resource

Halite.get("") do |response|
  puts response.status_code
  while line = response.body_io.gets
    puts line

def head(uri : String, *, headers : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, params : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, raw : String? = nil, tls : OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Client? = nil) : Halite::Response #

Head a resource

Halite.head("", params: {
  first_name: "foo",
  last_name:  "bar"

def head(uri : String, *, headers : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, params : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, raw : String? = nil, tls : OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Client? = nil, &block : Halite::Response -> ) #

Head a streaming resource

Halite.head("") do |response|
  puts response.status_code
  while line = response.body_io.gets
    puts line

def headers(headers : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple) : Halite::Client #

Make a request with the given headers

Halite.headers({"Content-Type", "application/json", "Connection": "keep-alive"})
# Or
Halite.headers({content_type: "application/json", connection: "keep-alive"})

def headers(**kargs) : Halite::Client #

Make a request with the given headers

Halite.headers(content_type: "application/json", connection: "keep-alive")

def logging(enable : Bool = true) #

Returns Options self with enable or disable logging.

Enable logging

Same as call #logging method without any argument.


Disable logging


def logging(logging : Halite::Logging::Abstract = #

Returns Options self with given the logging which it integration from Halite::Logging.

Simple logging

  .get("", params: {name: "foobar"})

=> 2018-08-28 14:33:19 +08:00 | request  | POST   |
=> 2018-08-28 14:33:21 +08:00 | response | 200    | | 1.61s | application/json
{ ... }

Logger configuration

By default, Halite will logging all outgoing HTTP requests and their responses(without binary stream) to STDOUT on DEBUG level. You can configuring the following options:

  • skip_request_body: By default is false.
  • skip_response_body: By default is false.
  • skip_benchmark: Display elapsed time, by default is false.
  • colorize: Enable colorize in terminal, only apply in common format, by default is true.
Halite.logging(skip_request_body: true, skip_response_body: true)
  .post("", form: {image:"halite-logo.png")})

# => 2018-08-28 14:33:19 +08:00 | request  | POST   |
# => 2018-08-28 14:33:21 +08:00 | response | 200    | | 1.61s | application/json

Use custom logging

Creating the custom logging by integration Halite::Logging::Abstract abstract class. Here has two methods must be implement: #request and #response.

class CustomLogger < Halite::Logging::Abstract
  def request(request) "| >> | %s | %s %s" % [request.verb, request.uri, request.body]

  def response(response) "| << | %s | %s %s" % [response.status_code, response.uri, response.content_type]

# Add to adapter list (optional)
Halite::Logging.register_adapter "custom",

  .get("", params: {name: "foobar"})

# We can also call it use format name if you added it.
Halite.logging(format: "custom")
  .get("", params: {name: "foobar"})

# => 2017-12-13 16:40:13 +08:00 | >> | GET |
# => 2017-12-13 16:40:15 +08:00 | << | 200 | application/json

def logging(format : String = "common", *, for : String = "halite", skip_request_body = false, skip_response_body = false, skip_benchmark = false, colorize = true) #

Returns Options self with given the file with the path.

JSON-formatted logging

Halite.logging(format: "json")
  .get("", params: {name: "foobar"})

create a http request and log to file

Log.setup("halite.file", backend:"/tmp/halite.log", "a")))
Halite.logging(for: "halite.file")
  .get("", params: {name: "foobar"})

Always create new log file and store data to JSON formatted

Log.setup("halite.file", backend:"/tmp/halite.log", "w"))
Halite.logging(for: "halite.file", format: "json")
  .get("", params: {name: "foobar"})

Check the log file content: /tmp/halite.log

def options(uri : String, *, headers : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, params : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, form : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, json : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, raw : String? = nil, tls : OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Client? = nil) : Halite::Response #

Options a resource

Request with form data

Halite.options("", form: {
  first_name: "foo",
  last_name:  "bar"

Request with json data

Halite.options("", json: {
  first_name: "foo",
  last_name:  "bar"

Request with raw string

Halite.options("", raw: "name=Peter+Lee&address=%23123+Happy+Ave&Language=C%2B%2B")

def options(uri : String, *, headers : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, params : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, form : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, json : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, raw : String? = nil, tls : OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Client? = nil, &block : Halite::Response -> ) #

Options a streaming resource

Halite.options("") do |response|
  puts response.status_code
  while line = response.body_io.gets
    puts line

def patch(uri : String, *, headers : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, params : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, form : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, json : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, raw : String? = nil, tls : OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Client? = nil) : Halite::Response #

Patch a resource

Request with form data

Halite.patch("", form: {
  first_name: "foo",
  last_name:  "bar"

Request with json data

Halite.patch("", json: {
  first_name: "foo",
  last_name:  "bar"

Request with raw string

Halite.patch("", raw: "name=Peter+Lee&address=%23123+Happy+Ave&Language=C%2B%2B")

def patch(uri : String, *, headers : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, params : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, form : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, json : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, raw : String? = nil, tls : OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Client? = nil, &block : Halite::Response -> ) #

Patch a streaming resource

Halite.patch("") do |response|
  puts response.status_code
  while line = response.body_io.gets
    puts line

def post(uri : String, *, headers : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, params : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, form : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, json : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, raw : String? = nil, tls : OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Client? = nil) : Halite::Response #

Post a resource

Request with form data"", form: {
  first_name: "foo",
  last_name:  "bar"

Request with json data"", json: {
  first_name: "foo",
  last_name:  "bar"

Request with raw string"", raw: "name=Peter+Lee&address=%23123+Happy+Ave&Language=C%2B%2B")

def post(uri : String, *, headers : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, params : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, form : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, json : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, raw : String? = nil, tls : OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Client? = nil, &block : Halite::Response -> ) #

Post a streaming resource"") do |response|
  puts response.status_code
  while line = response.body_io.gets
    puts line

def put(uri : String, *, headers : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, params : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, form : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, json : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, raw : String? = nil, tls : OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Client? = nil) : Halite::Response #

Put a resource

Request with form data

Halite.put("", form: {
  first_name: "foo",
  last_name:  "bar"

Request with json data

Halite.put("", json: {
  first_name: "foo",
  last_name:  "bar"

Request with raw string

Halite.put("", raw: "name=Peter+Lee&address=%23123+Happy+Ave&Language=C%2B%2B")

def put(uri : String, *, headers : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, params : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, form : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, json : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, raw : String? = nil, tls : OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Client? = nil, &block : Halite::Response -> ) #

Put a streaming resource

Halite.put("") do |response|
  puts response.status_code
  while line = response.body_io.gets
    puts line

def request(verb : String, uri : String, options : Halite::Options? = nil) : Halite::Response #

Make an HTTP request with the given verb and options

This method will be executed with oneshot request.

Halite.request("get", "",
  "headers" = { "user_agent" => "halite" },
  "params" => { "nickname" => "foo" },
  "form" => { "username" => "bar" },

def request(verb : String, uri : String, *, headers : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, params : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, form : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, json : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, raw : String? = nil, tls : OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Client? = nil) : Halite::Response #

Make an HTTP request with the given verb

Halite.request("get", "", {
  "headers" = { "user_agent" => "halite" },
  "params" => { "nickname" => "foo" },
  "form" => { "username" => "bar" },

def request(verb : String, uri : String, options : Halite::Options? = nil, &block : Halite::Response -> ) #

Make an HTTP request with the given verb and options

This method will be executed with oneshot request.

Halite.request("get", "") do |response|
  puts response.status_code
  while line = response.body_io.gets
    puts line

def request(verb : String, uri : String, *, headers : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, params : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, form : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, json : Hash(String, _) | NamedTuple? = nil, raw : String? = nil, tls : OpenSSL::SSL::Context::Client? = nil, &block : Halite::Response -> ) #

Make an HTTP request with the given verb and options

This method will be executed with oneshot request.

Halite.request("get", "", headers: {"user-agent" => "halite"}) do |response|
  puts response.status_code
  while line = response.body_io.gets
    puts line

def timeout(connect : Int32 | Float64 | Time::Span? = nil, read : Int32 | Float64 | Time::Span? = nil, write : Int32 | Float64 | Time::Span? = nil) #

Adds a timeout to the request.

How long to wait for the server to send data before giving up, as a int, float or time span. The timeout value will be applied to both the connect and the read timeouts.

Halite.timeout(3, 3.minutes, 5)
  .post("", form: {file: "file.txt"})
# Or
Halite.timeout(3.04, 64, 10.0)

def use(*features) #

Turn on given the name of features.

Available features to review all subclasses of Halite::Feature.

Halite.use("logging", "your-custom-feature-name")
  .get("", params: {name: "foobar"})

def use(feature : String, **opts) #

Turn on given features and its options.

Available features to review all subclasses of Halite::Feature.

Use JSON logging

Halite.use("logging", format: "json")
  .get("", params: {name: "foobar"})

# => { ... }

Use common format logging and skip response body

Halite.use("logging", format: "common", skip_response_body: true)
  .get("", params: {name: "foobar"})

# => 2018-08-28 14:58:26 +08:00 | request  | GET    |
# => 2018-08-28 14:58:27 +08:00 | response | 200    | | 615.8ms | application/json

def user_agent(value : String) : Halite::Client #

Set requests user agent

Halite.user_agent("Custom User Agent")