module Gitlab::Client::Commit


Defines methods related to branch.


Direct including types

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def commit(project_id : Int32, commit : String) : JSON::Any #

Get single commit in a project.

  • param [Int32] project_id The ID of a project.
  • param [String] commit The ID of a commit.
  • return [JSON::Any] Information about the commit.
client.commit(1, 10)

def commit_comments(project_id : Int32, sha : String, params : Hash = {} of String => String) : JSON::Any #

Get the comments of a commit in a project.

  • param [Int32] project_id The ID of a project.
  • param [String] sha The name of a repository branch or tag or if not given the default branch.
  • param [Hash] params A customizable set of params.
  • option params [String] :page The page number.
  • option params [String] :per_page The number of results per page. default is 20.
  • return [JSON::Any] List of comments in a commit.
client.commit_comments(1, "daff23c")

def commit_diff(project_id : Int32, sha : String) : JSON::Any #

Get the diff of a commit in a project.

  • param [Int32] project_id The ID of a project.
  • param [String] sha The name of a repository branch or tag or if not given the default branch.
  • return [JSON::Any] Information about the commit diff.
client.commit_diff(1, "daff23c")

def commit_status(project_id : Int32, sha : String, params : Hash = {} of String => String) : JSON::Any #

Get the statuses of a commit in a project.

Since GitLab 8.1, this is the new commit status API.

  • param [Int32] project_id The ID of a project.
  • param [String] sha The commit hash.
  • param [Hash] params A customizable set of params.
  • option params [String] :ref Filter by ref name, it can be branch or tag.
  • option params [String] :stage Filter by stage.
  • option params [String] :name Filer by status name, eg. jenkins.
  • option params [String] :all The flag to return all statuses, not only latest ones.
client.commit_status(42, "6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6")
client.commit_status(42, "6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6", {"name" => "jenkins"})
client.commit_status(42, "6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6", {"name" => "jenkins", "all" => "true"})

def commits(project_id : Int32, params : Hash? = nil) : JSON::Any #

Gets a list of commits in a project.

  • param [Int32] project_id The ID of a project.
  • param [Hash] params A customizable set of params.
  • option params [String] :ref_name The name of a repository branch or tag or if not given the default branch.
  • option params [String] :since Only commits after or in this date will be returned in ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.
  • option params [String] :until Only commits before or in this date will be returned in ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ.
  • option params [String] :page The page number.
  • option params [String] :per_page The number of results per page. default is 20
  • return [JSON::Any] List of commits.
client.commits(1, {"per_page" => "10"})

def create_commit_comment(project_id : Int32, sha : String, note : String, params : Hash = {} of String => String) : JSON::Any #

Create comment of commit in a project.

  • param [Int32] project_id The ID of a project.
  • param [String] sha The commit SHA or name of a repository branch or tag.
  • param [String] note The text of the comment.
  • param [Hash] params A customizable set of params.
  • option params [String] :path The file path relative to the repository.
  • option params [String] :line The line number where the comment should be placed.
  • option params [String] :line_type The line type. Takes new or old as arguments.
  • return [JSON::Any] Information about the created commet of commit in a project.
client.create_commit_comment(1, "daff23c", "awesome!")
client.create_commit_comment(1, "daff23c", "+1", {"line" => "29"})

def update_commit_status(project_id : Int32, sha : String, state : String, params : Hash = {} of String => String) : JSON::Any #

Adds or updates a status of a commit.

Since GitLab 8.1, this is the new commit status API.

  • param [Integer] project_id The ID of a project.
  • param [String] sha The commit hash.
  • param [String] state of the status. Can be: pending, running, success, failed, canceled.
  • param [Hash] params A customizable set of params.
  • option params [String] :ref The ref (branch or tag) to which the status refers.
  • option params [String] :name Filer by status name, eg. jenkins.
  • option params [String] :target_url The target URL to associate with this status.
  • option params [String] :description The short description of the status.
client.update_commit_status(42, "6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6", "success")
client.update_commit_status(42, "6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6", "failed", {"name" => "jenkins"})
client.update_commit_status(42, "6104942438c14ec7bd21c6cd5bd995272b3faff6", "canceled", {"name" => "jenkins", "target_url": ""})