module Gitlab::Client::Milestone


Defines methods related to milestone.


Direct including types

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def create_milestone(project_id : Int32, title : String, params : Hash = {} of String => String) : JSON::Any #

Create a milestone in a project.

  • param [Int32] project_id The ID of a project.
  • param [String] title The title of a milestone.
  • param [Hash] params A customizable set of params.
  • option params [String] :description The description of the milestone.
  • option params [String] :due_date The due date of the milestone.
  • return [JSON::Any] Information about the created milestone in a project.
client.create_milestone(1, "v2.0")
client.create_milestone(1, "v2.0.1", "fix some bugs")

def edit_milestone(project_id : Int32, milestone_id : Int32, title : String, form : Hash = {} of String => String) : JSON::Any #

Edit a milestone in a project.

  • param [Int32] project_id The ID of a project.
  • param [Int32] milestone_id The ID of a milestone.
  • param [String] title The title of a milestone.
  • param [Hash] params A customizable set of params.
  • option params [String] :description The description of the milestone.
  • option params [String] :due_date The due date of the milestone.
  • return [JSON::Any] Information about the created milestone in a project.
client.edit_milestone(1, "v2.0")
client.edit_milestone(1, "v2.0.1", "fix some bugs")

def milestone(project_id : Int32, milestone_id : Int32) : JSON::Any #

Get a single milestone in a project.

  • param [Int32] project_id The ID of a project.
  • param [Int32] milestone_id The ID of a milestone.
  • return [JSON::Any] Information about the milestone.
client.milestone(1, 10)

def milestone_issues(project_id : Int32, milestone_id : Int32, params : Hash = {} of String => String) : JSON::Any #

List issues of a milestone in a project.

  • param [Int32] project_id The ID of a project.
  • param [Int32] milestone_id The ID of a milestone.
  • param [Hash] params A customizable set of params.
  • option params [String] :page The page number.
  • option params [String] :per_page The number of results per page. default is 20
  • return [JSON::Any] List of issues of milestone under a project.
client.milestone_issues(1, 3)
client.milestone_issues(1, 4, {"per_page" => "5"})

def milestone_merge_requests(project_id : Int32, milestone_id : Int32, params : Hash = {} of String => String) #

Gets the merge_requests of a given milestone.

  • param [Int32] project_id The ID of a project.
  • param [Int32] milestone_id The ID of a milestone.
  • param [Hash] params A customizable set of params.
  • option params [String] :page The page number.
  • option params [String] :per_page The number of results per page. default is 20
  • return [JSON::Any] List of issues of milestone under a project.
client.milestone_merge_requests(5, 2)

def milestones(project_id : Int32, params : Hash? = nil) : JSON::Any #

List milestones in a project.

  • param [Int32] project_id The ID of a project.
  • param [Hash] params A customizable set of params.
  • option params [Int32] :iid Return only the milestone having the given iid.
  • option params [String] :state Return only active or closed milestones.
  • option params [String] :page The page number.
  • option params [String] :per_page The number of results per page. default is 20
  • return [JSON::Any] List of milestones under a project.
client.milestones(1, {"state" => "active", "per_page" => "10"})